Long Time, No Talk!

Whoops it’s been awhile. Man does time fly. I have just left Indonesia which I have called home for the past seven months. I can’t believe how fast it’s gone. 

There were many times that I wanted to write because silly things like yes of course, more visa problems, and airport fiascos. But I’m going to focus on the good and everything I appreciated about my time here. 

For starters, I am now a divemaster! That means I can (hopefully) get a job as a dive guide. From what I’ve heard, it’s pretty hard to do without being an instructor. Kind of like being more qualified with a Master’s rather than a Bachelors. That isn’t going to stop me from trying though. I’m hoping my degree will maybe help me with that. 

The Snorkel Test of a finishing divemaster even though I wasn’t quite finished yet.
Leo and I got to train together. We rarely agreed and it was great for different views on situations that may arise out on the water.

Since my visa run and my last blog in May, I have pretty much been going non-stop. Probably not a surprise to most of you. Divemaster takes up a lot of time and then add social media onto that you can probably imagine I didn’t want to touch a phone or computer at the end of the day. For awhile I was out of clever things to say because the captions took it out of me. I don’t know why I didn’t say this earlier, but if you’re interested in seeing what I did, follow NEREN Diving Komodo on Facebook and /or Instagram. The past 5 months is all from me and there will be a new intern taking over from now on.


The social media definitely grew on me. I don’t think I could ever do it as a full time job but maybe I could help out whatever company I work for since I have some knowledge of it now. It was really cool to see the customers grow and engage from the things I was posting. I could see what people liked and didn’t like so much and was able to cater to them. Mostly I went for funny or pretty deep with not much in between. 

Probably one of my favorite posts and with MY OWN picture!

And then we have the silly side!

Now to talk about the people I met. I will forever have a family in the little town of Labuan Bajo. People that I will continue to talk to and definitely visit. Though the town didn’t have much to offer, I couldn’t have asked for anything else because the relationships I made are worth way more than that. I had a very hard time saying goodbye and tears were definitely shed. 

If I named everyone who impacted my stay in Bajo, you may stop reading (if you haven’t already). From my instructors and mentors at NEREN and Azul, I don’t think I would have learned or enjoyed it as much somewhere else. Then I have my fellow divemaster friends. We got to push and learn with each other and, more importantly, bitch when things got hard.

A couple of the people who taught me the things I know ❤️

Mogy and June were two of the boys that worked on the boat. I got to spend everyday with them!

I completed 186 dives in five months and spent more time in the water than I ever could have with a regular divemaster program. I had some incredible animal encounters. And I got to learn to navigate and guide some difficult spots which will only help my experience for future jobs. 

The turtle didn’t seem too happy about Lauren and I photobombing

The conditions were nothing short of breathtaking!

I believe my time here has made me a better person. I have lived with very little and appreciate the small things. Like hot water. A hot bath is calling my name. 

I have also become much more patient. Island time is very real here but different from Maui. I work well with island time because I’m usually always later than I say I will be (to the unimportant things of course) so that part I didn’t mind. But there is absolutely no rush for anything in Indonesia, even when it comes to immigration, which I visited way too many times. 

I was very sad to leave my kitty Hari. He lived with me for 4 months and was the best little kitten. I wanted to bring him back with me but I didn’t have things done early enough. I would have also payed quite a bit of money and needed to take him on a boat back to Bali because bringing animals to different islands by plane isn’t allowed. So I will be back to see him for sure. Luckily, the intern taking my spot gladly took him for me. It’s nice to have a companion while on a tiny rock. (By the time I published this, Hari passed away. I was so heartbroken to hear it but I know he had a much better life than he would have one the street. Thank you to Danny for taking care of him for us after we left. A proper funeral was had and the little terror will be missed so much!)

This is the night I found Hari. He definitely should have still been with his Mama.

The night before I left. I don’t think he wanted me to go either 💔

I also made friends outside of diving. Hard to find people who don’t dive but it was possible. I even started a little line dancing club, the last couple weeks, at one of my favorite spots to hang out when I wasn’t diving. The local girls absolutely loved it and they even taught me their Indonesian dances which were actually very similar. It was so much fun and I was glad to bring something from home and a little country to share with them.

After I was officially done with the internship I hung around for a couple days to get the most of diving. I also got a visitor! Lauren, who I played water polo at Poly with, came to visit. I got to show her my life for the past half year and then we also got to play tourist for a bit around Indonesia. I found new places that I could definitely go back to visit. I ended up leaving a little earlier than her but only by 2 days. 

Lauren and I on my last dive in Komodo National Park…for now.

Tourist time in Lombok. My closest friend from Komodo, Laura, got to join us for a couple days!

I’ll be back in the states running around for a couple weeks but stay tuned for the next adventures!

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